Document Manager
Up Overview Guided Tour I Guided Tour II Document Manager Editor Visualizer Server Database Manager Site Manager FAQ


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The Document Manager is an enhanced file management tool that enables you to seamlessly access SAS® code, log, and output stored anywhere, either on your own hard drive, network drives or remote servers and hosts, as easily as if they resided on your own workstation.

The Document Manager is the primary access point to the ASAP ™ application.  Closely coupled with the Editor, Visualizer, and Site Manager tools, the Document Manager enables you to retrieve, manipulate, and execute files across your enterprise.

In addition, the Document Manager also recognizes related documents (e.g., execution log – program_name.log, execution output – program_name.lst, etc.) and manages them as a unit (package/set) regardless of locations.  This means when ASAP ™ transfers a SAS® program from the remote server to the local workstation during remote execution, all related documents will be transferred automatically behind the scenes. 

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The Document Manager menu bar includes standard Windows menu commands that enable you to create new documents, open existing files, rename files, etc..


Features Map

Creating new tabs - "Short-Cuts" to folders
Filtering files
Searching for a file 
Document Manager Configuration



Menu Bar

Menu Bar


Functional Description



New (Ctrl+N)


Creates a new document and shifts focus to the Editor tool.






Open (Ctrl+O)

Open the selected document if one is selected.  Otherwise, displays a standard Windows Open dialog.  This lets you navigate the file systems mapped on your workstation to locate any existing file.


Exit (Ctrl+X)

Exit the program.



Dispalys the Search dialog.  Please refer to the Search section for more details.


Document Manager Configuration


Online Documentation

Online documentation

Help Product Support E-mail support, frequently asked questions and related links
Help License Detailed license information with ability to re-license the application
Help Download Updates Retrieve product updates
Help Send complementSoft Support Files  
Help About ASAP Version and copyright information




Functional Description


The New button shifts focus to the Editor tool and creates a new document.





The Open button displays a standard Windows Open panel.  This panel lets you navigate the file systems mapped on your workstation to locate any existing file.  When you select a file and either double-click it or click the Open button, the Document Manager shifts focus to the Editor tool and displays the document you selected.


The Up button shifts the active tab in the Document Manager display up one level from its root directory.

 Change Folder



The Change Folder button displays an Open panel that lets you navigate the file systems mapped on your workstation.  You can traverse the directory structure, locate any existing folder, and designate it as your new root folder for that tab.



The Refresh button refreshes the active tab, updating it with any changes you have made to the directory or files.

 New Tab




The New Tab button creates a new tab in the Document Manager display.  Any folder you have highlighted on your active tab will be used as the root level of your new one.  If no directory or file is highlighted, an Open panel displays, letting you search through your directory structure for a target.

 Close Tab

The Close Tab button closes the active tab.

 New Folder



The New Folder button creates a new folder beneath a folder you have selected on the active tab.  When clicked, a New Folder panel displays, requesting a name for the new folder.  Type the name and click the OK button.


The Rename button lets you rename any existing folder or document.



The Delete button removes any folder or document that you have selected on your active tab.  The Document Manager asks you to confirm deletion.





The Filter button allows you to filter the selection of documents that appear on your active tab.  Clicking the button displays a File Filter panel.  Enter your criteria using the asterisk (*) as a wildcard.  For example, to filter in all files beginning with "comp", enter comp*; to get all files ending in .sas, enter *.sas.

 File Transfer Type




The File Transfer Type drop down allows the transfer mode to be changed between ASCII, EBCDIC, and Binary modes.  The default transfer mode is ASCII.


Separator Toolbar

Separator Toolbar

Functional Description

 Copy to Left

Copy file from Remote panel to Local panel.

File to be copied and target directory must both be highlighted.

 Copy to Right

Copy file from Local panel to Remote panel.

File to be copied and target directory must both be highlighted.


Right Click Menu

Right Click Menu (On Folder)

Functional Description

New Folder

Create a new folder in the selected folder.

New Tab

Open the selected folder as a new tab in the panel.


Rename the selected folder.


Delete the selected folder.


Right Click Menu (On File)

Functional Description


Open the selected document.


Rename the selected document.


Delete the selected document.




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