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wpe1.jpg (13116 bytes)

Program Flow
Data Flow
Data Set Drill Down


The Visualizer is a graphical, SAS® language-aware program flow and data flow analysis tool. The Visualizer reads, parses, and displays your source code files, representing each program and data block with an icon.  Arrows connect these icons to show program and data flows, making them simple to read and understand.  Tightly integrated with the Editor, the Visualizer lets you examine your source files interactively.  For example, while in the split view mode, a user is able to click on an icon to jump to the actual program code in the editor.  Similarly, changes made in the Editor (either in the split view mode or in the Editor mode) can be easily reflected in the Visualizer, as well.  By clicking on the "Refresh" icon refresh.gif (318 bytes) on the tool bar, the visualization instantly reflects the change made in the code.

Features Map

Visualizing a SAS® Program
Visualizing an Execution log
Program Flow
Data Flow
Split View
Data Set Drill Down

Similar to the editor, the Visualizer will also use the same mechanism as the editor to scan the most recent execution log (if available) associated with the program being displayed and highlight the code segments associated with the suspect problematic areas.

Full Screen Mode

wpe5.jpg (48755 bytes)


Split Screen Mode

wpe6.jpg (59068 bytes)



Menu Bar

Menu Bar


Functional Description


New (Ctrl+N)

Create a new document.


Open (Ctrl+O)

Open the selected document.

File Export Export the Visualizer image to a jpg file.
File Page Setup Sets print paper size, orientation and margins.



Prints the active document.


Print Preview

Opens a panel to show you what the active document will look like when printed.


Exit (Ctrl+X)

Exit the program.


Visualizer Configuration

Allows the full statement name to show in Visualizer label and allows user to set wrap width.







Functional Description


Create a new document.


Print document.


Opens a panel to show you what the active document will look like when printed.


Refresh tab.


Split the windows to show Visualizer view and Editor view.

zoom_in.gif (103 bytes) Zoom In

Magnifies active flow.

zoom_out.gif (100 bytes) Zoom Out

Minimizes active flow.

 Data Flow

Show data flow diagram.

 Program Flow

Show program flow diagram.

left_tplarrow.gif (899 bytes) Fast Combine Combine All Data Flows without animation.
left_dblarrow.gif (138 bytes) Combine All Combine All Data Flows
left_arrow.gif (119 bytes) Combine Combine Data Flows in a step-wise manner.
pause.gif (862 bytes) Pause Pause the active combine process.
right_arrow.gif (119 bytes) Separate Separate Data Flows in a step-wise manner.
right_dblarrow.gif (135 bytes) Separate All Separate All Data Flows
right_tplarrow.gif (900 bytes)Fast Separate Separate All Data Flows without animation.




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